Refugio Can Gossos
Help. Love. Life.
Committed to the well-being of dogs.

The Gossos Foundation
The Gossos Foundation is a project very close to the heart of Gigi Oeri and was set up in Basel (Switzerland). It looks after dogs’ welfare and promotes relationships between dogs and humans. The Refugio Can Gossos opened in Ibiza in 2017. The project is financed and maintained in full by the Foundation.

The right choice
Each adoption process can run differently. The first meeting takes place in Can Gossos. Then we can start planning joint walks, visits to their new home and the first overnight stay. Our team of trained dog carers will support you during the first weeks as required and be there for you with tips and tricks.

Welcome to their new family
Finding a new home is an exciting, happy experience for a dog. The feeling of finally having a family to look after them and provide love and care is indescribable. This positive feeling is not limited to the dog, but is shared by all members of the family. There’s no better way to learn how to enjoy life than from a dog.
Our Passion
In addition to the numerous adoptions in Ibiza, the Spanish mainland and throughout Europe, we work very closely with the dogshelter in Linth, Switzerland, which is also part of the foundation. Together, we have been able to find new homes for over 1,200 dogs.