The kind-hearted Ulises, that’s me! Although I am one of the mature dogs of Can Gossos, I have an irresistible smile and win hearts with the gentle look in my eyes. I love going for walks with my friend Jara and my caretakers. However, when I meet new people, I can be a bit shy. That’s why the caretakers say I’m a sensitive dog. But once you get to know me, you’ll see that this sensitivity is part of my charm. The best moment of my day is a long nap in the sun – we can even enjoy it together if you’d like. I truly cherish those moments of peace and relaxation. All I wish for is to spend this stage of my life in a loving home, with a family that gives me just as much love and affection as I have to offer. If you’d like to give me this chance in your home, simply schedule an appointment at Can Gossos!
- Breed: Podenco Ibicenco
- Birthday: 01.01.2016
- Gender: male