
Hello, I am Viña and I would like to tell you my story. I spent a large part of my life alone and tied up in the front yard of a house. The house was sold, and I was left behind. I am very large and apparently I seem intimidating if you don't know me yet. However, I am sensitive and delicate, especially when you touch my head and ears. I need time to bond with you, but once I do, I show you my soft side. The people at Can Gossos say that I am exceptionally beautiful, like a little girl in a big body. I love to go for walks, sniff around, and you will mostly see my big smile. I love cuddles, and once you have won my heart, it belongs to you forever. Here, I am very loved, and people respect my rhythm. I enjoy having company when I lie in my bed and I am always very happy when I see my caregivers. Once I get away from stress, I am a calm dog.

  • Breed: Mixed
  • Birthday: 01.04.2019
  • Gender: female